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Australian Organic Submission to the Third Review of the Gene Technology Scheme

The National Gene Technology Scheme, a collaboration of our Federal, State and Territory governments, is currently under review. While the review is not directly related to the recent Australian Federal Government’s deregulation of the SDN-1 gene editing method (see Australian Organic’s statement on Emerging Gene Technology here), it does include stated objectives such as “streamlining regulation” and “reducing regulatory burden”. Such streamlining, depending on the details, could have implications for our industry.

To ensure the Scheme is aware of our concerns, Australian Organic has made a submission, on behalf of our industry. The key messages in our submission are for the Scheme to ensure that organic producers, processors, and consumers, as well as lucrative export markets, are not negatively impacted by any such changes.

To read more about the review, and to read our submissions, please refer to the Department of Health’s consultation website:
