Australian Organic CEO Niki Ford interviewed for ABC Landline Organic Feature

Australian Organic Ltd CEO Niki Ford was recently featured in an ABC Landline segment surrounding the organic industry.

First aired on ABC Landline on Sunday 24th May, the segment titled ‘Organic Offerings: Organic produce in demand’ featured several certified organic operators, many of whom have seen a significant increase in demand for their product and services during COVID-19.

“It was a special honour to be interviewed by Halina Baczkowski for an ABC Landline segment surrounding the rise in demand for organic produce during the COVID-19 crisis,” Niki commented.

“The segment highlighted the durability and resilience of our industry – growing in strength despite an incredibly difficult beginning to 2020.”

You can watch the segment ‘Organic Offerings: Organic produce in demand here.

The segment will also be repeated on Saturday 30th May at 4:30pm on the ABC.