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Emergency Management Ministers agree to review the National Disaster Recovery Funding arrangements

Emergency Management Minister David Littleproud said the DRFA is being reviewed to ensure that assistance under the program is fair and equitable for Australians living in different states.....

$1 million boost for WA wild dog fence project

A $1 million Australian Government investment towards the construction of wild dog exclusion fencing in Western Australia will help boost farmer incomes and create jobs.....

Applications Open for Cyclone Upgrades on Coastal Homes

Queensland homeowners will be able to cyclone proof their homes through the Household Resilience Program, with applications opening today under Phase 2 of the Program.....

Deadline for Ag Workforce Strategy Extended

The Australian Government has extended the delivery date for the National Agricultural Workforce Strategy to the end of October 2020 and the closing date for submissions from 1 June to 3 August 2020.....

Innovation boosting Australia’s biosecurity

DNA fingerprinting for imported dogs, virtual reality training for officers and drones to manage feral pigs are among the innovative projects being funded by the Australian Government to bolster biosecurity.....

Australian farmers don’t rely on subsidies

Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud says a research report released today by ABARES confirms Australia’s farmers are among the least subsidised in the world.....
