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Talkin’ about your generation: Farmsafe Australia takes an intergenerational stance for farm safety

In 2020, agriculture was again ranked as the second most dangerous industry to work in by rate of fatalities1, with those over the age of 50 most at risk from farm-related injuries or fatalities2. Farmsafe Australia is looking to tackle distressing trends and is pleading with communities to take greater responsibility in promoting safety issues in all rural areas, ahead of Farm Safety Week.

This year, Farmsafe Australia wishes to celebrate how farms offer one of the most unique lifestyle experiences for all ages. Australian farmers are incredibly fortunate that they can live and work in the same place, and Farmsafe Australia wants to ensure all farmers have access to information that keeps them and their families safe and healthy from when they first pick up an egg at the age of two, right through to stepping off a tractor at the age of 92.

Themed ‘Farm Safety Through The Ages – From 2-92’, this year’s campaign will highlight the key safety issues and risks that are most prevalent throughout the different life stages of a farmer, in the hope it will reduce the risk of injury, illness and fatalities so commonly associated with agriculture.

Charles Armstrong, Chair of Farmsafe Australia says this campaign is not about restricting families who live and work on farms, far from it. It’s about embracing everything a life lived on the farm can offer, while minimising the risk of injury.

“We are focused on making safer farms an intergenerational topic of conversation in every rural community. The number of farm related fatalities in this country has not shifted dramatically in a decade3, so there has never been a more important time to discuss how we can make Australian farms a safer place to live and work,” said Mr Armstrong.

“By improving the availability of information on hazards, risk factors and practical safety solutions, we want to ensure all communication between agricultural representatives, farmers, government and other stakeholders is active, consistent and productive. It has never been more essential to develop a ‘safety culture’, while alleviating the pressures of farming life, across all generations within rural communities.

Farmsafe Australia is a national not-for-profit entity, advocating for farmers. It aims to connect state farming organisations, peak commodity bodies, influential advocacy bodies and other groups that share a common interest in agricultural health and safety. Its initiatives are based upon the philosophy that the primary responsibility for farm safety rests with individual farmers, farm workers, and their families.

For more information on farm safe practices visit

1 Safe Work Australia Fatality Statistics, July 2021
2 Safer Farms 2020 Agricultural Injury and Fatality Trend Report, December 2020
3 Safer Farms 2020 Agricultural Injury and Fatality Trend Report, December 2020
