Organics Industry Advisory Group reconvenes to begin Regulatory Impact Statement process

The discussion about domestic regulation of Australia’s organic industry has entered a new stage with the reconvening of the Organics Industry Advisory Group (OIAG). The group, consisting of stakeholders across Australia’s organic industry, met between January and June 2021 to discuss different options for regulation in Australia to provide a final report to Minister Littleproud, delivered at the end of June 2021.

From this report, the Minister has asked for a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) to be prepared as well as a wider public consultation which will seek the views of all stakeholders who are part of, or, have an interest in the organic sector.

On 9 December, the Organics Industry Advisory Group (OIAG) met for the first time since June to begin the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) process and how anyone interested in the organic industry can become involved.

Some of you may have already received a phone call from a representative working on behalf of the Department of Agriculture asking for you to complete a phone survey as part of the process. If you receive a phone call asking to participate, we advise you to do so and provide any information which you feel comfortable in providing.

Online surveys are being developed by the Department, divided into different sectors and business categories. When the links to these surveys are finalised, AOL will provide links to help members take part. AOL encourages you to share these links with your networks so as many people can participate as possible.

The Department of Agriculture will be undertaking the public consultation process in the new year, expected to start around February 2022 (AOL will provide the exact date when it is announced). This will allow members to provide submissions. Once the timeframe is known, we would encourage everyone to prepare a submission and share amongst their networks to help provide the Department with as much information as they can receive to help determine what domestic regulation should look like.

For more information on the Regulatory Impact Statement process please follow the links below:

Australian Mandatory Domestic Standard: How to Prepare for Public Consultation FAQs

Australian Mandatory Domestic Standard: How to Prepare for Public Consultation webinar 

For more information about organic regulation, see here or contact us at