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NSW & Victoria Border Closure Permits – July 2020

NSW Government

As of Wednesday, 8 July 2020 permits will be required by any person living in Victoria seeking to cross the border into NSW. Permits will be issued by Service NSW. You will be eligible if you are:

  • A NSW resident returning home
  • A cross-border resident – defined as living within 50 kilometres of the NSW border
  • A person providing critical services
  • A seasonal worker
  • A boarding school/university student or a parent/guardian accompanying a student
  • A carer of an individual entering NSW

There are also other eligible activities for permits. Further information and to apply for a permit available here.

The NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Border Control) Order 2020 is available here.

A Border community resident means a person who:

(a) is usually a resident of a Border community, and
(b) has reasonable cause to travel between New South Wales and Victoria in the ordinary course of their work, education or daily life, and
(c) crosses the border, and
(d) if the person is a Victorian resident—does not stay in New South Wales for longer than reasonably necessary for work, education or to obtain goods or services.

Critical services includes the following services:

(a) the movement of freight or persons on a commercial basis,
(b) the maintenance and repair of critical infrastructure,
(c) medical or hospital care,
(d) law enforcement,
(e) Commonwealth defence and security services,
(f) mining, agriculture, construction, energy or manufacturing.
