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Industry News

The latest Australian Organic industry news.

Australian tech start-up creates a trading solution for the fresh produce industry

Australian tech company the HiveXchange was created to form a digital version of the central market trading environment.....

Australian Organic CEO Niki Ford to Commence Appointments with the ACCC and NFF

Australian Organic is thrilled to announce that CEO Niki Ford will commence appointments with the ACCC and NFF.....

Welcome outcome on Wildlife Wet Markets

Minister for Agriculture, David Littleproud is pleased to see strong international support at the G20 to investigate Wildlife Wet Markets as part of the broader review of COVID-19.....

Japan Wine Challenge 2020 Open for Entries

For years the Japan Wine Challenge has played a pivotal role in the development, awareness and sales of international wine brands in Japan, Asia, and internationally.....

Australia’s Success in Managing Stink Bug Risk

The strengthened measures in place for the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) season are helping safeguard Australia’s industries, environment and trade from this significant pest.....

Bushfire Funding Bettered

The Federal Government is expected to spend $1 billion to help support people in bushfire affected areas by June, doubling the amount that was originally committed to the National Bushfire Recovery Agency in the current financial year.....

$10m to help farmers manage pests and weeds in drought

More Australian Government support is on the way for drought-affected farmers and communities battling weeds and pest animals.....

India Opportunities Brewing for our Farmers

Agreed new biosecurity arrangements have opened the door to more export opportunities with India for Australian barley and fruit growers.....

Increased aerial support for Australia during bushfire season

Australia’s aerial firefighting capability has today received an annual $11 million boost to ensure additional aircraft are available for the 2020-21 and future bushfire seasons.....

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