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Industry News

The latest Australian Organic industry news.

Royal Commission into national natural disaster arrangements

The extension of the Royal Commission has been granted at the request of the Chair of the Royal Commission, Air Chief Marshall Mark Binskin AC (Retd), and supported by the Commonwealth Government....

New Export Legislation for Organic Produce

The Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) have published the Consultation Draft Export Control (Organic Goods) Rules, 2020.....

Ensuring the continued success of organic exports

The Australian Government is proposing new rules to continue to provide a basis for the regulation of organic exports.....

Coronavirus: General Resources

Check here for a list of valuable and up-to-date resources in reference to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.....

2021 Nuffield Scholarships for Primary Producers

Applications are now open for the 2021 Nuffield Australian Farming Scholarships program.....

IFAM freight capacity updates: LA, Singapore, Dubai & Hong Kong now available

The latest IFAM freight capacity updates includes flights to LA, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong.....

Access to Japanese market maintained for Australian organic livestock producers

The Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) has issued a Market Access Advice (2020-04) announcing successful negotiation of an updated equivalence agreement for organic products.....

New Export Legislation for Organic Produce

As an outcome from a review of Australia’s export legislation in 2015, the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) have published the Consultation Draft Export Control (Organic Goods) Rules 2020.....

NSW & Victoria Border Closure Permits – July 2020

As of Wednesday, 8 July 2020 permits will be required by any person living in Victoria seeking to cross the border into NSW. Permits will be issued by Service NSW.....

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