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Industry News

The latest Australian Organic industry news.

Uni of Tasmania’s hort traceability app to bear fruit

The University of Tasmania has been awarded $455,000 to develop a new digital solution to help improve the traceability of exported Australian fruit.....

Federal Government urging urgent intervention by Premiers on cross-border issues

Minister David Littleproud is urging state Premiers to inject themselves into serious cross border issues that unaddressed could impact the cost of living for regional Australians.....

Green light for drought relief projects in Queensland

A new, high-priority drought relief project is progressing in the Flinders Shire Council, with funding approved to flow under the Australian Government’s Drought Communities Programme (DCP) Extension.....

Grape expectations: FRIGGA traceability tech potential

The Australian Government is supporting the trial of data logging technology to trace table grape shipments along the export supply chain from grower to the retailer.....

More than $36 million for Queensland bushfire recovery

Queensland’s ongoing recovery efforts from the 2019 bushfires continue with a $36.8 million investment to support the state’s most heavily bushfire-impacted communities.....

$189,000 to ensure Aussie honey is the best

B-QUAL Australia Pty Limited has been awarded $189,000 to assure the integrity of supply chains that deliver our premium honey products to markets around the world.....

Wine export grants a corker of an opportunity

The Australian Government is uncorking another $1 million in funding to support smaller to medium wine producers showcase their premium drops around the world.....

Investing in agriculture’s next gen of smart minds

A $220,000 grants program for the sharpest young minds in agriculture, fisheries and forestry opens today.....

Victoria COVID-19 Stage 4 ‘Stay At Home’ Restrictions: Workplace Information

Learn more about the Stage 4 'Stay at Home' restrictions announced for Victorian industries.....

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