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Industry News

The latest Australian Organic industry news.

Barambah Organics CEO’s swift calls for mandatory standard

Barambah Organics CEO Matthew Stanton, has been quick to back calls for the introduction of a mandatory standard for use of the word “organic”.....

Organic certification demands highlighted at Naturally Good

The importance of organic certification in unlocking growing domestic and export markets and building consumer trust was highlighted by Australian Organic Limited at Naturally Good 2021 in Sydney.....

‘Delivering Ag2030’ backs agricultural industry

The Australian Government's Delivering Ag2030 plan backs agricultural industry goal of $100 billion production by 2030.....

Dairy Code of Conduct Review

The Australian Government has started its review process into the Dairy Industry Code of Conduct.....

Students to learn the benefits of organic food production

Launched in 2020 by Australian Organic Limited, the Australian Organic Schools Program provides resources to help Prep to Year 10 students understand the importance of organic principles and practices.....

Funding to prevent future flooding

The Australian Government is providing $50 million for projects across the country under the National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program.....

Protection for Qld apple and pear producers

Queensland apple and pear growers will be able to access $1.5 million in grants to purchase protective netting.....

New Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants program opening soon

Communities still recovering from the 2019-20 bushfires will soon have access to a new Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants program, to help them address priority work that hasn’t yet been supported under other funding programs.....

Disaster assistance for communities affected by tropical cyclone Seroja

Disaster assistance has been made available for communities with widespread damage caused by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja.....

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