Free public forum on feeding livestock during drought in QLD

The public are invited to a free public forum in QLD providing advice about feeding and caring for animals during the drought. There are often tough decisions to make when supplies are low and the rainfall outlook is not promising

What to expect from the forum:

  • Understand your duty of care for animals.
  • Best practice advice about feeding livestock in a drought.
  • The decisions you will need to consider for the future of your livestock.
  • How to access support and assistance.

These sessions are suitable for anyone, including smaller landholders and hobby farmers who keep cattle, horses, goats or sheep. Catering will be provided, and speakers will be available after the forum for one-on-one advice.


Location: Clifton
Date: Wednesday 29 January 2020
Time: 5pm€“8:15pm
Venue: Senior Citizens Centre, Lot 1 Meara Place, Clifton

Location: Kingaroy
Date: Saturday 1 February 2020
Time: 9am€“12:30pm
Venue: Town Common Hall, Oliver Street, Kingaroy

Visit or call 13 25 23 for more information.