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Evaluation of Country of Origin Labeling of Food in Australia

As a testament to Australian Organic Limited’s increasing level of professional engagement and industry representation with our Department of Agriculture Water and Environment (DAWE), we have received an invitation from The Hon. David Littleproud MP, Minister for Agriculture, Drought, and Emergency Management, to provide input into the current Review of the Country of Origin Labelling Information Standard 2016.

AOL supports the increased transparency and consumer protection that the 2016 Information Standard achieved, and welcomes the timely review to ensure its goals are being met.

A Discussion Paper has been prepared by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER), which details a range of specific questions for which industry and consumer feedback is sought.

The Discussion Paper is available on the DISER website here.

Once you have read the Discussion Paper, you can submit a response via the DISER Consultation Hub website here.

The deadline for submissions is 11th September 2020.