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Bushfire Emergencies: Agricultural Resources

Agricultural Resources

See below list of agricultural resources and contact information for those affected by the recent bushfire emergencies.

For the most current information and updates, please visit:

National Bushfire Recovery Agency


Assistance for Farmers affected by the Bushfires

To support primary producers directly impacted by the bushfire crisis deal with their immediate needs, the Commonwealth government is providing grants of up to $75,000. VIEW HERE

Assistance for Small Business Affected by the Bushfires

The Australian and state and territory governments are helping small businesses in bushfire affected communities get back up on their feet. This includes support for small businesses to recover and rebuild. VIEW HERE

Dairy Australia: Industry Brief

Bushfires January 2020 €“ Dairy industry impacts and response. Includes updates on the of the fires on the dairy industry across VIC, SA and NSW. VIEW HERE

Latest Alerts


New South Wales

South Australia


Western Australia



South Australia

  • State recovery assistance services
  • Fodder requests and donations: Livestock SA, 0419 035 459 / 08 8297 2299
  • Stock loss and assessment: PIRSA, 1800 255 556
  • Mental health support:
    – Regional Access, 1300 032 186


Western Australia


Managing Animal Biosecurity

The Integrity Systems Company provides the following information and advice for fire-affected properties:
  • All livestock movements, especially after a natural disaster, pose a biosecurity threat. If possible, record all stock movements between PIC„¢s in the NLIS database and if circumstances allow aim to move livestock a property that is LPA accredited
  • During times of natural disaster, you may receive or need to procure fodder from unfamiliar suppliers.  There can be risks associated with unfamiliar fodder €“ such as chemical contamination, weed seed, restricted animal material, and poor quality or unsuitable feed for your class of livestock. Where possible, request a Commodity Vendor Declaration (CVD) for any purchased fodder and keep a record of all feed that has been bought in and the animals it was fed to
  • When humane destruction is necessary, appropriate methods must be used by people who have the experience, knowledge skills and tools €“ these are outlined in the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines. Please check with your local and state authorities for advice on appropriate carcass disposal methods and any specific health risks in your area.
Further information on these points can be found in the National Disaster Response €“ Bushfires fact sheet:
For producers need support with any of these actions, please contact the LPA Helpdesk via 1800 683 111 or

This information has been issued by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and FarmHub.
