Australian Organic Joins DAWE Market Access Teleconference

Australian Organic Limited (AOL) has today taken part in a teleconference focusing on the achievements and challenges related to export market access for organic producers. The call was hosted by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWE). We thank DAWE for facilitating engagement with our industry.

Topics covered included:

  • The potential impacts of Brexit for UK market access – something AOL has been working on with DAWE for many months. It is now expected that UK and Northern Ireland market access will be maintained, albeit with some changes to procedures and documentation, for which DAWE would provide updates to industry soon.
  • The progress of negotiations with the EU, in light of their new organic regulations due to take force in 2026 (an extension of 12 months from the prior expected implementation). DAWE understands that this process may provide potential for expansion of the scope of the equivalence agreement with the EU to include livestock and wine, categories thus far excluded from arrangements.
  • The Manual of Importing Country Requirements (MICoR) will be updated over time to include organic market access requirements – we particularly commend this work and look forward to this important resource making it easier for Australian organic producers to access premium export markets.
  • The significant achievements of ongoing and expanded categories of equivalence with Japan and Taiwan were reported upon and commended by our industry attendees.
  • Updates were provided on other specific markets for which progress had been made towards improved access.

AOL will continue to work closely with Government to provide industry data and intel to support the market access team and promote organic opportunities abroad.

We thank DAWE for this opportunity. Should you have any queries regarding organic export market access, please contact our Chief Technical Officer, Owen Gwilliam, at

For organic export advice and opportunities, visit the Trade Organic website: