Australian Organic – Industry Fire Crisis Update

Australian Organic Industry – Fire Crisis Update

What Certified Operators need to know

As Australia comes to grips with the worst bushfire season in living memory, our thoughts are with those affected.

While it is unclear how many certified organic operators have been affected, we would like to take the opportunity to remind operators of some of the requirements for certification which may become relevant for these operators for the first time, and to alert you to some of the allowances and derogations that are available in the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce 3.7 (NS), and the Australian Certified Organic Standard 2019 (ACOS), to ease the burden of certification in emergency situations such as these.

Please ensure you contact your certification body should you have questions relating to your certification requirements.

See link to the full Australian Organic Industry Fire Crisis Update below.

Bushfire Crisis Industry Update