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Australian Government toasts wine’s 2050 vision

Media Release: 24 June 2020

The Australian Government is toasting the launch of Australian wine industry’s Vision 2050 to guide the sector’s focus and growth over the next three decades.

Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud joined Australian Grape and Wine Chief Executive Officer Tony Battaglene to support the ‘Vision 2050’ launch.

“Here’s cheers to both Australian Grape and Wine and Wine Australia for mapping out a clear and exciting path to grow the sustainability and profitability of the Australian wine industry,” Minister Littleproud said.

“We produce the best wine in the world on the back of hard work, fantastic varieties and an innovative culture driving excellence from grape to consumer.

“Globally, Australia is the sixth largest producer and the fifth largest exporter of wine, with exports worth about $2.8 billion.

“But in an increasingly competitive marketplace with changing conditions, the industry realises it needs to be nimble to seize opportunities such as those that will emerge post-COVID-19.

“Exports will be critical to profitability, and the Australian Government will pull all the trade market access levers necessary in support of industry’s efforts to be a $10 billion export powerhouse by 2050.

“Innovation is also key, with wine grape production requiring investment and change to respond to climactic challenges and become more resilient.

“The industry recognises that wine will be grown, produced, packaged and distributed in ways that are radically different in the 30 years and implementing Vision 2050 will provide the workforce, innovations and practices needed to achieve the industry’s 2050 targets.

“I applaud the industry for outlining clear goals about where it wants to be in 2050 with a clear roadmap on how to get there, and reaffirming its commitment to be a vital part of our regional and rural communities.”

Fast Facts:

  • Australia’s wine grape growers, winemakers and wine tourism operators contributed $45.5 billion to the Australian economy in 2018-19 and aim to contribute $100 billion in 2050.
  • In 2018-19 there were an estimated 6,251 wine grape growers with a vineyard area of 146,128 hectares, producing a total of 1.73 million tonnes of wine grapes.
  • In 2018-19 there were 2,257 winemakers, with the gross value of farm gate production totalling $1.11 billion.
  • The wine industry directly employs 69,000 people and indirectly employs 163,790.
