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Bushfire Roundtable on Agriculture

This week, Australian Organic Ltd (AOL) was invited by the Minister’s office to participate and represent the organic sector at the Bushfire Roundtables on Agriculture.

Advisory Committee Members, affected operators, certification organisations contributed to the content delivered by Australian Organic CEO, Niki Ford, the Minister of Agriculture, Deputy PM Michael McCormack and other Industry Leaders present.

The session allowed each Industry Leader the opportunity to highlight how the recent and current bushfires have affected their sector, key risks, industry assistance and response and recovery requirements.

Australian Organic’s organic standard provides an additional layer to the acceptance of assistance, response and recovery. During the organic presentation AOL has called for additional resourcing for the Organic program to assist managing the outcomes needed to support those affected during this unprecedented event. AOL was today informed the Department will be following up this matter early next week.

The Minister’s office shared the below link, providing clear updates on affected land, stock numbers and further information.

More Roundtable discussion will continue over the coming months. Australian Organic will continue to update accordingly.
