$5 million Future Drought Fund investment to build drought resilience in agricultural landscapes

  • Project proposals are being awarded a share of $5 million under the Future Drought Fund’s NRM Drought Resilience Program – Landscapes program.
  • The projects will facilitate the uptake of adaptive natural resource management practices, systems and approaches that will build drought resilience in agricultural landscapes.

Following a competitive process, 12 Natural Resource Management Regional Bodies are set to be awarded a share of $5 million funding for projects under the NRM Drought Resilience Program – Landscapes.

Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud said the program was supporting the uptake of practices and technologies to improve resilience to drought on agricultural landscapes.

“The $5 billion Future Drought Fund is an important part of the Australian Government’s Drought Response, Resilience and Preparedness Plan that outlines immediate action for those in drought, support for wider communities and how we support building long-term resilience and preparedness” Minister Littleproud said.

“This is the first year of the $100 million that will become available each year under the Future Drought Fund and this is one of the 8 programs announced on 1 July 2020.

The projects involve:

  • testing and demonstrating new farming practices such as the use of different pasture/forage varieties and novel grazing strategies
  • tracking and forecasting pasture biomass to plan operations and schedule decision points
  • monitoring and understanding soil moisture to assist in preparing and responding to drought conditions
  • peer to peer learning and sharing the latest thinking on drought resilience.

“Congratulations to the recipients, I look forward to seeing the projects deliver innovative and tangible outcomes for our farmers, communities and the land they rely on.”

Find out more about NRM Drought Resilience Program – Landscapes, including a list of the successful projects, here: www.agriculture.gov.au/ag-farm-food/drought/future-drought-fund/nrm-landscapes