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Industry News

The latest Australian Organic industry news.

Fermented Bevies Masterclass with Dr Sarah Lantz

Join fermentation expert and healthy living advocate Dr Sarah Lantz, for her exclusive online Fermented Bevies Masterclass.....

Australian Organic CEO Niki Ford interviewed for ABC Landline Organic Feature

Australian Organic CEO Niki Ford was recently interviewed for an ABC Landline segment focusing on the rise in demand for organic produce during COVID-19.....

1 June Deadline for Dairy Industry Transparency

The ACCC has reminded dairy processors of their obligations to comply with the mandatory Dairy Code of Conduct, including the requirement for publishing relevant contracts on their websites by the 1st June deadline.....

Bushfire Fund Driving Recovery

Helping people recover from the Black Summer bushfires is a priority for the Australian Government and the release of the $2 billion Bushfire Recovery Funds's spending profile reinforces this.....

ABARES insights into Australia’s forest fires

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABERS) today released its insights article: 'Stocktake of Fire in Australia's Forests 2011 to 2016.....

Get Listed in our New Organic Directory

Members and Bud licensees can apply to be listed in our new online Organic Directory for free.....

Investing in our smart farming future

Sustainable farming efforts are being boosted with more Australian Government support under the latest round of the $43.5 million Smart Farms Small Grants program.....

Digital Beef Australia launch steers way to great event

Beef Australia 2021 has this week commenced its digital launch a year out from the iconic triennial beef industry even in Rockhampton.....

Extension of the Queensland Household Resilience Program to Protect Australian Communities

The Australian Government is committed to increasing the resilience of Australian communities to natural hazards, while minimising the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.....

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