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The latest Australian Organic industry news.

Australia’s organic industry grows to record size, but huge potential remains untapped

The Australian Organic Market Report 2023 shows there are 53 million hectares of certified organic farmland across the country (up from 35.7 million hectares reported in 2021), highlighting increasing confidence in the industry and the value of certification.....

New data on greenwashing highlights need for regulation

The Australian Organic Market Report 2023 shows ‘greenwashing’ continues to undermine consumer trust in the $2.6 billion industry, underscoring the need for regulation to protect consumers and certified organic producers.....

TotallyNuts: Premium Certified Organic Nuts and Snacks

Those looking for activated and organic nuts can place an order with Gold Coast based small business TotallyNuts! The certified organic supplier offers a wide range of nuts and seeds including Australian grown almonds, macadamias, pecans and sunflower seeds, plus nut butters, mueslis and much more.....

Europa Cheese by Quality Dairy Foods: Organic varieties from Pakenham

Connoisseurs of cheese in Victoria are likely familiar with Europa Cheese and its distinctive red and blue logo. The made-in-Australia manufacturer of traditional Italian-style and local cheeses has been a popular choice across the country since it was founded in 1971, and recently attained organic certification. Customers can currently choose from a variety of cheeses....

Minister Watt says no to national standard on organics so Minister, what now?

Australia’s certified organic industry has been left shocked and disappointed at the decision by Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt to abandon plans to introduce domestic regulation, ignoring his own panel of industry experts and thousands of producers. In a bitter twist, Minister Watt’s decision comes on the same day New Zealand’s parliament formally passed a bill....

Sprout Organic: Plant-based formulas from the Gold Coast

Sprout Organic are the creators of the world’s first plant-based, vegan and organic formulas for infants and toddlers, having first brought their innovations to market in late 2020. The Gold Coast business was founded by husband-wife duo Sel & Jen, who decided to create their own formula when they couldn’t find a suitable option on the....

Organic industry leaders add voice to domestic regulation debate

Queensland’s oldest organic processor and the nation’s leading producer of organic free-range chicken have expressed their frustration at the government’s “ill-informed” and “ridiculous” decision to abandon organic domestic regulation. Quentin Kennedy, Managing Director of Kialla Pure Foods, addressed media and industry leaders today in response to Agriculture Minister Murray Watt’s recent comments that regulation would be....

Minister Watt ignores evidence, experts and industry with captain’s call on domestic regulation

As peak body for Australia’s organic industry, AOL has reacted with alarm and dismay at the move by Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt to place domestic regulation into the too-hard basket, despite his department’s own commissioned advice finding it will leave the industry and consumers worse off.....

Australian Organic Limited celebrates International Women’s Day

The many and diverse achievements of women in the organic industry are being highlighted this International Women’s Day by peak industry body Australian Organic Limited (AOL). AOL Chief Executive, Niki Ford, said Australia’s $2 billion a year organic sector is filled with innovative, driven, and successful women. “Diversity is essential to the success of our industry,” Ms....

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