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Industry News

The latest Australian Organic industry news.


Disaster assistance has been made available to help communities recover from flooding along the Western Australian coastline in March.....

Financial support to help Australian exporters bounce back

Australian exporters impacted by the COVID-19 crisis will now have access to business-saving loans between $250,000 and $50 million under a new $500 million capital facility to be administered by Export Finance Australia.....

Helping farmers access specialised agvet chemicals

Australian Government funding of $2 million will improve farmer access to priority agricultural and veterinary (agvet) chemicals to safely and effectively treat pests, diseases and weeds.....

Long term engagement bears fruit: first shipment of persimmons to Thailand a success

The first trial shipment of Australian persimmons to Thailand has been a success with the fruit selling out shortly after arrival.....

The States and Territories to implement National Cabinet workforce principles

State, Territory and Federal Agriculture Ministers discussed the issue of visa workers and reported how they will meet the principles set by the National Cabinet last week.....

Wine Australia acting chair appointment

Ms Cath Oates has been appointed as acting Chair of Wine Australia for a period of three months.....

Virgin Australia & Qantas offering air freight capacity on international flights

Qantas & Virgin Australia are offering air freight capacity on repatriation international passenger services to some major cities.....

AusIndustry: Free Business Support Webinars

AusIndustry are providing a series of free webinars in partnership with a range of leading organisations to support businesses through COVID-19.....

Talking to your child about Coronavirus

Read our tips on how to talk to your children about COVID-19 and help to comfort them during this time.....

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