Industry News

The latest Australian Organic industry news.

Reducing red tape by overhauling agricultural levy law

Australian Government is modernising agricultural levy laws to make them fit-for-purpose and business-friendly, and to reform our agricultural levies legislation so that we can better respond to global economic disruptions such as COVID-19.....

Australians urged to prepare for summer disaster season

Emergency Management Australia (EMA) has completed its annual disaster season briefings and has urged Australians to properly prepare for the upcoming summer disaster season.....

NFF to design new Regional Digital Tech Hub

The Australian Government has announced the (NFF) has been engaged to develop and operate the new Regional Digital Technology Hub to support regional Australians to build their digital capabilities.....

NFF launches #BackOnTrack campaign to highlight importance of our farmers

The National Farmers' Federation (NFF) has this week launched its #BackOnTrack campaign which aims to highlight the important role our farmers play in the nation's recovery from COVID-19.....

Funding helps regions on road to bushfire recovery

Music festivals, art installations, sporting events and a coastal headland walking trail are among 65 projects to receive a share in more than $7 million in funding support for communities in fire-affected regions across Australia.....

Nationals welcome $1.9 billion in new technologies to help farmers reduce emissions

The Nationals have today welcomed a package of reforms that will empower Australian farmers to adopt new technologies to drive down carbon emissions, improve productivity and create new jobs.....

Plant industry turns over new leaf in traceability

The Australian Government is supporting a national pilot project starting in Western Australia aimed at identifying the most suitable traceability system for the plant industry supply chain.....

Interest-free drought loan applications end soon

Farmers and farm-related small businesses have two more weeks (up to Wednesday 30 September 2020) to take advantage of two-year interest free loans from the Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) before the drought-related loan terms change.....

City of Onkaparinga leads call to remain GMO crop free following community engagement

The City of Onkaparinga's community engagement process has led to a decision by their council to apply to the SA Government to designate their council area as a non-GMO crop area.....

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