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Australian Organic Connect

Winter 2021 Issue

Welcome to the sixth issue of Australian Organic Connect!

Written by industry for industry, the Winter issue discovers the latest news, trends and insights from industry experts and certified operators.

We take you through the highlights of this year’s Australian Organic Market Report; AOL Board Director Iain Scholes, discusses opportunities in organic beef, we celebrate the organic wine industry and the winners of the Wine Awards 2020; Export Connect provides advice on identifying the right export markets for your business; Kelvin Free of Wattle Organic Farms provides an update for the AOL Horticulture Advisory Committee; Owen Gwilliam takes us through the key steps to gain certification for producers; Market Organics celebrate their 5th Anniversary; we learn more about our members Organic Merchant and Bauer’s Organic Farm; Amy Stewart, AOL’s Research & Education Officer, talks sustainability with Todd Sampson; Louise Wright, AOL’s Social Media Coordinator, provides some photography top tips; and Claire Bickle talks organic soil 101.

Australian Organic Connect Summer issue is now available to read online. Simply click on the publication to open in your browser. This is an interactive publication with clickable links.

Winter 2021 Issue Highlights

Organic Market Report’s Roaring Success Story

Australian Organic Limited recently published the Australian Organic Market Report 2021 in collaboration with the University of Melbourne and research partners Euromonitor International, Mobium Group, and NielsenIQ. The Report is the only one of its kind presenting the latest data and information available on the Australian organic industry, an industry that contributes over $2 billion annually to the national economy.

We take you through some of the key highlights of this year’s Australian Organic Market Report, including growth in organic operations, export markets and consumer demand, on page 6 of the Winter issue of Australian Organic Connect.

Meet our Members: Bauer’s Organic Farm

Considered one of the pioneers of the organic industry in Australia, Rob Bauer is a fourth-generation farmer who began growing organically in the Lockyer Valley over 35 years ago. The Bauer family has farmed the land for over 130 years, and Rob made the decision to revert back to the traditional, chemical-free way of farming to promote a longer, healthier life for himself and his family. The result? Fertile, rich soil that converts to nutritious food.

Read more at the link below.

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