FY22-23 Statutory Declaration Submission – Bud Licensees

As part of the annual review of Industry Development Levies that apply to your business, we ask you to complete a Gross Organic Sales Statutory Declaration form for the period between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023.

This online submission will allow us to identify the correct tier level applicable for invoices based on FY22/23 sales. If your tier level has changed, the updated tier will be reflected in the next invoice you receive. For those invoiced quarterly, this will apply to the your next invoice due in October 2023. For those invoiced annually, this will apply to your next invoice due in July 2024.   

Please complete the short form below to complete the statutory declaration by Wednesday 6 September 2023.

NOTE: If you are representative of multiple companies licensed to the ACOS, you must complete a separate statutory declaration for each company that is licensed. If you have any questions, please reach out via membership@austorganic.com or call 07 3305 5716.

FY2022/2023 Statutory Declaration for Bud Licensees

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