About the Conference
On behalf of Australian Organic, we would like to welcome you to our inaugural Conference!
The Australian Organic Conference coincided with two important anniversaries – Australian Organic’s 35th anniversary and the 30th anniversary of the Commonwealth’s National Standard for Organic & Bio-Dynamic Produce.
This two-day event acted as a valuable networking and educational opportunity for all industry sectors, with a range of keynote speakers, panel discussions and sector-specific sessions on the agenda.
Our industry is built upon authentic, credible operators who keep striving to protect the integrity of organic practices. This event shone a spotlight on the successes, challenges and opportunities that currently define organics, and attendees gained a greater understanding of what lies ahead for our growing industry.

Why We Must Embrace Change and Transformation
Certified organics has grown through committed advocacy, from field days to workshops and marketing campaigns to trade missions. As our industry continues to experience dynamic growth, it’s vital that we all stay up to date on best practice and the evolving needs of consumers.
An increasing number of consumers are taking control of their health and demanding truth in labelling, which is testament to everyone’s hard work.
While many legacy methods will rightly be preserved for years to come, we must also build our knowledge around transformational techniques that can help us to better serve our growing community.
Australian Organic Limited has come full circle when it comes to purpose and is no stranger to embracing revolutionary change; in fact, it is something the organisation has prided itself on for 35 years.