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Australian Organic Connect

Autumn 2021 Issue

Welcome to the Autumn 2021 issue of Australian Organic Connect!

Written by industry for industry, this season’s edition discovers the latest news, trends and insights from industry experts and certified operators.

Australian Organic Limited (AOL) CEO Niki Ford provides an update on organic domestic regulation, including what the appointing of the Organics Industry Advisory Group means for the industry. AOL Board Director and Founder of Apples and Sage Organic Wholefoods, Leo Watling, talks us through the importance of traditional Retail Principles. Megan Woodward speaks to Australian Organic members about the importance of soil and sustainable farming practices for Organic Earth Week. AOL Chief Technical Officer Owen Gwilliam celebrates our home-grown organic farming heroes. We meet Australian Organic members and certified organic producers of the Riverina Region in NSW and hear their incredible stories. AOL Education and Research Officer Amy Stewart takes us through the 101 of vermicomposting, and we hear about the importance (and joy) of keeping bees and making your own honey wine from Dr Sarah Lantz.

Australian Organic Connect Summer issue is now available to read online. Simply click on the publication to open in your browser. This is an interactive publication with clickable links.

Autumn 2021 Issue Highlights

Organic Producers of the Riverina

The past year has certainly been a challenge for producers around the globe. In Australia, organic producer faced bushfires, floods and drought, before the pandemic even reached our shores. Now, producers are facing labour shortages and border closures – despite the overall boost in sales for the organic market.

Situated in the south-west of NSW, the Riverina region is abundant with a diverse range of organic produce and home to several organic producers. The region was heavily impacted by the Black Summer bushfires of 2019/20, with many organic producers unable to save property, crops and livestock.

During a respite in border closures, Australian Organic Limited CEO Niki Ford took the opportunity to meet with AOL members in the Riverina Region and hear their inspiring stories firsthand.

Read more on page 18 of the Australian Organic Connect Autumn 2021 issue.

Creating Ongoing Positive Impacts Through Organic Farming

In celebration of Organic Earth Week from 22-27 March, Megan Woodward speaks to organic operators about the importance of soil and sustainability through organic practices and principles, including; Wayne Shields, Owner/Director of Peninsula Fresh Organics; Vanya Cullen of Cullen Wines; and Managing Director of Adams Australia, Ian Mack.

Megan discovers how organic growers and suppliers are working to not only to produce quality products, but create ongoing positive impacts to the environment they operate in.

Read more on page 12 of the Australian Organic Connect Autumn 2021 issue.

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