What We Do

AOL has been at the foundation of organics since 1987 and is identified by the most recognised mark in Australia, the Australian Certified Organic ‘Bud’ logo. This trademark signals the highest of integrity and is recognised by 64 per cent of Australian consumers.

We continually advocate on behalf of the Australian certified organic industry by working with government on key industry issues such as Domestic Regulation and market access.

We also work to drive awareness about certified organic brands and products and the importance of organic certification through national consumer campaigns such as Australian Organic Awareness Month, held every September.

Each month, Australian Organic CEO Jackie Brian updates the industry and members on Australian Organic’s activities and broader developments across the organic sector.

Together We Are Stronger

Australian Organic continues to work on our most pressing goal on behalf of our members by continuing strategic discussion on the pathway to Domestic Regulation. Australian Organic has presented submissions into the ACCC for non-compliant products labelled “organic”, and we actively advise consumers to look for certification marks on their organic products. Domestic regulation will also assist in obtaining equivalency within the organic export market.

Influencing Decision

Australian Organic also engages regularly with The Department of Agriculture, attending roundtables and forums including Australian Grains, National Biosecurity, and most recently the National Bushfires and COVID-19 roundtables during 2020.

Alongside our domestic partners, Australian Organic is establishing global partnerships with international industry bodies such as the OTA in the USA, Soil Association in the UK and IFOAM.

Become a Member

The best way to support the industry is to join it. Become a member of Australian Organic to have your say in the future of the organic industry in Australia.