Our History
Australian Organic Limited (formerly known as Biological Farmers of Australia, or BFA) has always been a major force in ensuring that organic standards in Australia remain in the hands of the supply chain.
Initially formed to progress the interests of farmers and processors who wanted to promote and protect the message of organic, including the setting of organic standards, the BFA moved on to develop an organic certification program to independently verify that farmers and processors were producing in accord with those standards.
The organisation represented both organic and biodynamic (a specific form of organic production) farmers, and hence the broader term “biological farmers” was chosen to promote a simple message that such farmers were using natural methods to produce their foods for consumers. BFA was registered as a co-operative in 1988, following key community and industry meetings across the country.
In 2009, BFA changed its corporate structure to that of a company limited by guarantee. Today, this allows Australian Organic to be recognised as an entity which is conducting its business internationally, with other benefits including reduced administration costs and greater assistance in operating on a not-for-profit basis.
BFA changed its name to Australian Organic Limited (AOL) in 2012 to better reflect its activities and client base.
Australian Organic Demerge
During 2017, the organic industry undertook a consultative process to uncover a clear pathway to create a single voice to government. The results of this process provided a recommendation that Australian Organic Limited (AOL) could step forward as the peak body for the organic industry – however there was a list of changes that AOL would need implement to gain industry support. The largest of these changes was to separate from its subsidiary certification arm, Australian Certified Organic Pty Ltd (ACO).
As AOL is a member owned organisation, a resolution required to be passed to allow for the official separation of the subsidiary from the parent company. At the 2017 AGM, AOL’s members voted in support of the process and as at 30 June 2018 AOL demerged from its subsidiary certification arm, ACO (now ACO Certification Ltd – Australia’s largest organic certifier). ACO Certification Ltd no longer holds the exclusive license for certification to the Bud logo. AOL and ACO Certification Ltd operate under two separate Boards, Organisational Structures and Strategic Objectives.
Post de-merge, Australian Organic Limited is now able to license to ‘The Bud’ trademark to all Department-accredited (DAWE) certifiers enabling more certified operators the opportunity to license to the Bud and become licensees. The Bud logo is also available through AUS-QUAL.
AOL continues to invest these licensing fees into the protection and promotion of the organic industry and provides funding for research and education of certified organic products, brands, and businesses.

Inquiry report into agriculture in Southeast Asian markets recommends a host of improvements to support Australian organic operators.
New Director appointed, Ryan Reynolds.
Directors Leo Watling and Iain Scholes resigned from their board positions, both having made significant contributions to the organic industry.
National Organic Standard Bill 2024 read into the Senate, proposing a legal standard for the term ‘organic’ in Australia’s domestic market.
Industry gathers at Parliament House in Canberra for second annual BBQ, meeting of Parliamentary Friends of Australia’s Organic Industry.
Australian Organic Awareness Month 2024 launched, based around a theme of ‘Cleaner Today, Healthier Tomorrow’.
Winners for 2024 Australian Organic Industry Awards announced.
Second Australian Organic Conference held, entitled ‘Our Future: Growing Together’.
Australian Certified Organic Standard (ACOS) 2023 version released.
Entries open for 2024 Australian Organic Industry Awards
8th Chairman appointed, David Keens
New Directors appointed: Ben Bateup and Sharon Markulin
Directors Mike Brown and Bernadette Favis resigned from their board positions, both having made significant contributions to the organic industry.
Australian Organic Awareness Month 2023 launched, based around a theme of ‘Why Organic?’
Winners of 2023 Australian Organic Wine Awards announced.
Organic Development Group (ODG) formed, bringing together the sector’s leading certifiers and industry bodies.
Australian Organic Market Report 2023 released in partnership with ACIL Allen, featuring contributions from Mobium Group, NeilsenIQ, Australian certification bodies and certified operators.
Minister for Agriculture Senator Murray Watt announces that domestic regulation of Australia’s organic industry will not go ahead, citing cost-benefit shortfall.
7th Chairman appointed, Mike Brown.
New Directors appointed: David Keens and Hsiao-Ti (Didi) Lo.
Directors Martin Meek and Sonya Dowling resigned from their board positions, both having made significant contributions to organic industry.
Winners of 8th Australian Organic Industry Awards announced at ceremony in Hunter Valley, NSW.
Australian Organic Awareness Month campaign held in September, including a television segment on Better Homes & Gardens.
Australian Organic Consumer Trust Survey 2022 released, a research project involving 1,020 Australian food shoppers and their perceptions of organic food.
Inaugural Australian Organic Conference held in Brisbane on July 21-22, centred around theme of ‘Embracing Change and Transformation’.
Winners of Australian Organic Wine Awards announced.
AOL Advisory Committees attend two-day workshop for discussions on organic grain industry and National Waste Policy Action Plan.
Australian Organic Wine Awards relaunched
Inclusion of organic production in NFF’s Regionalisation Agenda Policy
Australian Certified Organic Standard (ACOS) 2021 harmonised version published in March
Organics Industry Advisory Group (OIAG) final report released to Minister Littleproud
Australian Organic Market Report 2021 published in partnership with the University of Melbourne
First industry research volume Market Report Industry Research: Volume 1 published
AOL negotiates Organic Approved Biosecurity treatments for organic cereal imports with DAWE
Bud Guarantee media campaign launched
AOL publishes 3 Years as Peak Industry Body key achievements & milestones
Australian Organic Awareness Month engages ambassadors Andy Allen, Mike Bennie & Anika Molesworth
AOL represents organic industry at Parliament House Ministerial Roundtables: Bushfires
rade Organic website & export program launched in March
AOL represents organic industry at Parliament House Ministerial Roundtables: COVID-19
Australian Organic Connect quarterly e-magazine launched
AOL provides support to DFAT for UK FTA (organic)
AOL Domestic Regulation Discussion Paper delivered to Minister Littleproud & Treasury
Domestic Regulation mentioned in NFF’s Get Australia Growing Policy
CEO Niki Ford awarded NFF DiALP & appointed to ACCC Agriculture Consultative Committee
Australian Organic Limited & Bud Organic Club websites relaunched with new member portals
AOL engages with DAWE regarding Taiwan & Japan equivalence arrangements
Australian Organic Awareness Month engages 3 major supermarkets & ambassador Lincoln Lewis
Australian Organic Schools Program relaunched with new website & teaching content in October
Appointment of Organics Industry Advisory Group (OIAG) by DAWE in December
Sixth Chairman appointed, Martin Meek
New Director: Bernadette Favis
NFF membership established
First meeting with DAWE regarding Domestic Regulation
ACCC Misleading Claims submission
Australian Organic Market Report 2019 launched
AOL appoints first CEO, Niki Ford
AOL facilitates first meeting between organic growers & DAWE Biosecurity teams regarding Grain Import Crisis
Australian Organic Awareness Month receives wide media coverage with ambassadors Luke Hines & Elle Halliwell
New Directors: Sonya Dowling & Iain Scholes
Board members Quentin Kennedy and Andrew Monk retire with combined 50 years of service to the organic industry
Licensing agreements signed with ACOCL & AUS-QUAL
6th Australian Organic Annual Industry Awards hosted in Melbourne
AOL officially demerges from ACO Certification Ltd
Australian Organic Awareness Month partners with Coles & Woolworths with ambassadors Luke Hines & Lola Berry
AOL launches Australia’s largest consumer platform, Bud Organic Club
AOL establishes Trade membership
AOL establishes Organic Advisory Committees
AOL becomes members of AFGC
5th Australian Organic Annual Industry Awards evening hosted in Canberra
New General Manager: Niki Ford
30 year anniversary celebration of Australian Organic
Members vote to demerge Australian Organic’s certification subsidiary, ACO
AOL tours USA and attends SIAL Chin
AOL tours USA and attends SIAL China
ACO imported ingredients logo introduced
Australian Organic member rewards package commenced
Tasmanian Organic Producers (TOP) integrated with ACO
Australian Organic Awards for Excellence established
Australian Organic Awareness Month is launche
Australia’s only Online Zoho OPC electronic exports approval system created
Ecert certification database installed and activated
ACO achieves accreditation with China
Winner Tradeshow at AusVeg
Winner Tradeshow at AusVeg
ACO achieves accreditation with China
BFA moves to current premises in Nundah, Brisbane
BFA changes its name to Australian Organic Limited (AOL)
CleanFood transforms into Bud Organic Magazine
BFA moves to Chermside, Brisbane
Fifth Chairman, Dr Andrew Monk
ACO received the 2010 CHOICE Award for Best Food Endorsement Program.
OGA is shortlisted for the same award
BFA achieves company restructure from a co-operative to a company limited by guarantee
Organic business evolves to become Australian Organic Producer Magazine
1st edition Australian Organic Market Report published by BFA, researched by UNE
BFA Organic Schools Program is born
The Australian Organic Journal takes shape as Australian Organic Magazine
Certification company OGA moves under the BFA umbrella becoming a small grower certification program
12 subcommittee groups established to represent the various sectors of the industry
BFA head office moves to Brisbane with the aim of “mainstreaming organics”
Establishment of Australian Certified Organic (ACO)
ACO achieves IFOAM accreditation and USDA
Integration with the Organic Vignerons
Accreditation with Japan
Establishment of office staff in Toowoomba
Fourth Chairman Mr Douglas Haas
Third Chairman: Mr Graeme McNally
Second Chairman: Mr Arthur Daiken
BFA is accredited as an organic certification organisation by AQIS
Birth of the Bud: logo concept designed by Rosemary Dunn
Establishment of Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA) Co-Op
Founding Chairman: Mr Gavin Dunn