About us

Australian Organic Limited (AOL) is the peak industry body engaging with government and industry to promote the commercial and social interests of those who are certified and protect the integrity of the sector against fraud and misleading organics.

AOL has been at the foundation of organics since 1987 and is identified by the most recognised mark in Australia, the Australian Certified Organic ‘Bud’ logo. This trademark signals the highest of integrity and is recognised by 64 per cent of Australian consumers.

Our History

Established in 1987 as the Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA), the organisation was initially formed to progress the interests of farmers and processors who wanted to promote and protect the message of organic, eventually developing an organic certification program.

What We Do

As the peak organic industry body, Australian Organic Ltd (AOL) strives to protect and promote the interests of the industry, and continues to engage and consult with government and key sectors to understand and address our industry’s needs and challenges.

Domestic Regulation

It is Australian Organic’s strategic priority to work with government and key regulatory bodies to deliver a fit for purpose regulatory process that is consistent with the organic export requirements.

Learn more about our journey to organic domestic regulation via the link below.

Strategic Plan

Australian Organic has committed to a 5 year strategic plan which takes into account our mission, objectives and strategies, and the 4 pillars that uphold our organisation.

View the Strategic Plan at the link below.