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Australian Organic Connect

Autumn Issue

The first issue of Australian Organic Connect speaks to industry experts and organic operators about recent events and opportunities for the organic sector.

In this issue, Marg Will introduces the AOL Livestock Advisory Committee; Director of Enviroganic Sonya Dowling discusses poultry opportunities; CEO Niki Ford outlines AOL’s priority for domestic regulation; AOL’s Rhonda Vohland looks back on January’s devastating bushfires; Warren Beaumont discusses export opportunities in the US; Owen Gwilliam shares his opinion on regenerative agriculture; and we speak to founders of the Bud, Gavin and Rosemary Dunn.

Australian Organic Connect Autumn Issue is now available to read online. Simply click on the publication to open in your browser. This is an interactive publication with clickable links.

Autumn Issue Highlights

Australian Bushfire Season 2020

Although the bushfire season officially ended on 31 January 2020, fires continued to burn well into February. The late February and early March rains provided much needed relief for the country and managed to extinguish the ongoing fires. However, farmers now face a number of challenges in the immediate aftermath including lack of ground cover, soil erosion, higher water run-off and damaged ecosystems in surrounding areas. Not to mention the long-term plans to rebuild irrigation systems and fencing, re-stocking livestock and replanting crops.

Rhonda Vohland has been with Australian Organic for almost 13 years and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to our industry. Read Rhonda’s bushfire article on page 10 in our first issue of Australian Organic Connect.

Domestic Regulation

Did you know that Australia is the last developed nation in the world to have an enforced domestic standard around the use of the word ‘organic’? But what exactly does this mean? To put it simply, certification for organic products within Australia is voluntary. This means that products that contain as little as 2% of organic ingredients can use the term ‘organic’ on their labelling. These ‘fake organics’ are misleading consumers and devaluing the organic market for companies who are committed to investing in certifying their products.

Australian Organic CEO Niki Ford goes into detail about what this means for Australia and Australian Organic’s work to enforce Domestic Regulation in 2020 on page 8 of the latest issue of Australian Organic Connect.

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